Saturday, October 27, 2007

Thought plus Emotions Equals Action

Home Income Partners

Keeping a positive mental attitude

When Thomas Edison defined genius as 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration, he could have been talking about starting a business. Experienced entrepreneurs will tell you that the key to business success is not the original idea, but how well you execute on that idea.

I would like to talk to you about your approach for getting the right results from working at home.

In order to get your businesses a fair chance you need to do some planning. You need to know what you want to do and you simply must realize that it is going to take hard work and commitment to make money on the Internet.

"Thinking in the certain way will bring riches to you, but you must not rely on thought alone, paying no attention to personal action.

Getting out of the Current Reality Trap

We tend to spend an overwhelming amount of attention on our current situation. We think about things the way they ARE - rather than the way they SHOULD BE.

Because our dominant thoughts are on our current situation - these thoughts tend to be about daily worries, current lifestyle, how much money we currently have, the state of our current relationship, and so on. These mediocre, passive thoughts do nothing for us!

All these thoughts do is simply keep in our lives our daily worries, current financial situations and current relationships. This is why CHANGE comes SLOWLY for most of us. We get obsessed with the way things ARE rather than the way things COULD be.

And so we remain "stuck" in our lives - year after year - observing the same things.

No growth, no abundance, no new wonderful discoveries or ideas - nothing. This is called the Current Reality Trap.

The sad thing is, it does not have to be this way. You do not have to stay stuck in mediocrity. We are powerful, amazing beings - but sadly, many of us do not realize our own beautiful potential.

This is the difference between mediocre people and successful people. Mediocre people dwell on the present. Successful people look excitedly to what COULD be.

But now, finally, you can now satisfy your own desire to achieve financial success by using the best system...for more information go HERE now.

The bottom line is... if you've got inner desire to be successful... that's all you need to fire up your rocket ship to success.

Home Income Partners

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