Saturday, October 27, 2007

First things first!

Home Income Partners

Choose carefully “How to build your Website”

Any company can offer you a site-builder, Web hosting, and scads of complicated add-ons at ever-increasing "premium package" prices. Yes, your site could be up in 24 hours. But months later, that is all you would have. No visitors, no business, no chance.

When I started my searches on “How to build a Website” I wrote to a very reputable company (whose name I won’t mention) for obvious reasons, for a quotation on how to get started.
Three days later a sales representative of this company called me at home and offered to build me a website which he claimed, would be fully “Search Engine Optimized”, this website would have it all.

According to the sales-person, this would be like buying a “Top of the line motor vehicle” fully loaded with all the features. Just set the cruise control and leave her on auto pilot.

Great! Fantastic; I thought, so tell me “Dude” trying to sound as friendly as possible... What’s the price tag of such a wonderful Website? Only $10,000.00 he replied…Huh!! Is that United States dollars man? No more “Dude” for you.

My hopes were shattered, all the dreams I had of building a successful website, suddenly “flew out the window”.

Luckily for me, at the time I was not totally naive to domain name registrations and hosting cost; so this seemed “way over” the price I had in mind, based upon all the researches I had done.

A few good companies came to mind… Go and that offers a full domain name website design (website templates) and hosting for under a $100 USD per month; in some cases you could pay a one time setup cost for the design of the website, which could run you anywhere between $200 - $700; still this seemed a whole lot better than paying $10g’s.

Home Income Partners

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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