Sunday, November 11, 2007

Developing a Successful Iternet Business

Home Income Partners

How Do I get Started?

For many of you who are interested in starting an Internet business I highly recommened this ebook by Bryan Winters. He covers ten chapters that are detailed and informative, there are also many links to other websites that he recommends which cuts the learning curve and takes the hassle out of trying to find them yourself.

Good information is like "Oxygen" for Newbie Internet Marketers, so please have a look at these 10 chapters from the eBook "How do I get Started"? by Bryan Winters. You will not be disappointed I guarntee, as many of these methods and links I have personally used to help me achieve success and develop a positive and organized approach to Internet Marketing.

The practical guide to starting a thriving online business

Chapter 1) Soul searching

Chapter 2) Tools of the trade

Chapter 3) Essential Software

Chapter 4) Your business plan

Chapter 5) Web-Site strategey

Chapter 6) Web-Site design

Chapter 7) Accepting payment

Chapter 8) Automating

Chapter 9) Developing credibility

chapter 10) Marketing Strategy

This eBook is offered to you free of charge by Home Income Partners as part of our campaign to help the Newbie Internet Marketer achieve success.

Please subscribe so we can send you this Information filled eBook!!

Home Income Partners

Saturday, October 27, 2007

First things first!

Home Income Partners

Choose carefully “How to build your Website”

Any company can offer you a site-builder, Web hosting, and scads of complicated add-ons at ever-increasing "premium package" prices. Yes, your site could be up in 24 hours. But months later, that is all you would have. No visitors, no business, no chance.

When I started my searches on “How to build a Website” I wrote to a very reputable company (whose name I won’t mention) for obvious reasons, for a quotation on how to get started.
Three days later a sales representative of this company called me at home and offered to build me a website which he claimed, would be fully “Search Engine Optimized”, this website would have it all.

According to the sales-person, this would be like buying a “Top of the line motor vehicle” fully loaded with all the features. Just set the cruise control and leave her on auto pilot.

Great! Fantastic; I thought, so tell me “Dude” trying to sound as friendly as possible... What’s the price tag of such a wonderful Website? Only $10,000.00 he replied…Huh!! Is that United States dollars man? No more “Dude” for you.

My hopes were shattered, all the dreams I had of building a successful website, suddenly “flew out the window”.

Luckily for me, at the time I was not totally naive to domain name registrations and hosting cost; so this seemed “way over” the price I had in mind, based upon all the researches I had done.

A few good companies came to mind… Go and that offers a full domain name website design (website templates) and hosting for under a $100 USD per month; in some cases you could pay a one time setup cost for the design of the website, which could run you anywhere between $200 - $700; still this seemed a whole lot better than paying $10g’s.

Home Income Partners

Thought plus Emotions Equals Action

Home Income Partners

Keeping a positive mental attitude

When Thomas Edison defined genius as 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration, he could have been talking about starting a business. Experienced entrepreneurs will tell you that the key to business success is not the original idea, but how well you execute on that idea.

I would like to talk to you about your approach for getting the right results from working at home.

In order to get your businesses a fair chance you need to do some planning. You need to know what you want to do and you simply must realize that it is going to take hard work and commitment to make money on the Internet.

"Thinking in the certain way will bring riches to you, but you must not rely on thought alone, paying no attention to personal action.

Getting out of the Current Reality Trap

We tend to spend an overwhelming amount of attention on our current situation. We think about things the way they ARE - rather than the way they SHOULD BE.

Because our dominant thoughts are on our current situation - these thoughts tend to be about daily worries, current lifestyle, how much money we currently have, the state of our current relationship, and so on. These mediocre, passive thoughts do nothing for us!

All these thoughts do is simply keep in our lives our daily worries, current financial situations and current relationships. This is why CHANGE comes SLOWLY for most of us. We get obsessed with the way things ARE rather than the way things COULD be.

And so we remain "stuck" in our lives - year after year - observing the same things.

No growth, no abundance, no new wonderful discoveries or ideas - nothing. This is called the Current Reality Trap.

The sad thing is, it does not have to be this way. You do not have to stay stuck in mediocrity. We are powerful, amazing beings - but sadly, many of us do not realize our own beautiful potential.

This is the difference between mediocre people and successful people. Mediocre people dwell on the present. Successful people look excitedly to what COULD be.

But now, finally, you can now satisfy your own desire to achieve financial success by using the best system...for more information go HERE now.

The bottom line is... if you've got inner desire to be successful... that's all you need to fire up your rocket ship to success.

Home Income Partners

Sleep more, Earn more!

Home Income Partners

Having Fun in the Sun

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have the independence, flexibility, satisfaction and financial rewards that stem from owning your own business? Maybe you've even investigated the possibility, only to be deterred by high start up costs, rigid franchise requirements and "opportunities" that seem too good to be true.

It is no easier to become wealthy online than offline.
The only advantage to beginning a business online, rather than offline, is in the lower start up costs. The rest of it is work, learning, and then implementing what you learn.

I’m betting that I probably don’t have to convince you that home-based business
is a good thing. Still, you probably don’t fully realize how many benefits
there really are to working at home and how many people have figured it out.

What are the benefits of working at home?

Top 5 positive effects of Working from Home:

1. I feel more relaxed.

2. I have a healthier diet.

3. I take more time off.

4. I exercise more often.

5. I have a better marriage and sex life.

Source: Home Office Computing

Did you know that The total number of full and part-time home based businesses
recently hit 41 million, an increase of 5 million people from the year before,
according to Link Resources Corporation, a New Yo rk City- b a s e d
research and consulting firm.

Link Resources also reports a 95 percent annual survival rate for home-based
businesses. It found that only 5 percent of home businesses ceased operation
each year during a three-year study, from 1990 through 1992 an 85 percent
success rate over a three year period.

This compares to an average three year survival
rate for general small businesses of only 20 percent.

And here are some statistics that really make a person stand up and take notice.

According to Entrepreneur Magazine, the average home-based business
household earns $50,250 a year. This is almost double the $26,000 annual salary
of the average U.S. employee. About 20 percent of all home business households
earn in excess of $75,000 a year.

And then there are the tax benefits! Do you know that even if your home business
doesn’t make a penny, it can put $5000 or more in your pocket this year in
tax write-offs? It’s true!

All over the world, millions of people are starting home-based businesses every week. The IAHBE (International Association of Home Business Entrepreneurs) is a product designed for this revolution.

An IAHBE membership provides a wealth of exclusive benefits, money-making strategies, and more with the best of the best online resources, specials, and expert advice and tips--all for less than $1 a day! You won't find a more powerful lineup of resources for home-based entrepreneurs ANYWHERE else, online or off.

More Info here...

The 'Tipping Point' in your Business

Home Income Partners

The 'Tipping Point' in your Business

Take time out from your busy schedule and enjoy your day, whether you're a Online Business Entrepreneur, CEO or just a “regular Joe.”

I know it can be very difficult when there seems to be so much work to get done, please try and make the time!

Call a friend up, and invite them for a “Cup of Coffee”… I made that call a couple of weeks ago and met with a friend of mine who shared the secret of his success with me, on how he got “swarms” literally… Huge amounts of traffic to his website.

Today I can honestly say, because of taking the time out and having that “Cup of Coffee” and by duplicating the secrets of his success, my Internet Business has made me a very comfortable living. (:

With my friend’s permission...I am going to let you in on this little secret.

Let me ask you this…Do you think you need to be a technical wizard to score a top 3 ranking for your website in Google, Yahoo, and MSN? If you answered yes... then you are "Wrong"

The Truth (For the price of a "Cup of Coffee")

You CAN skyrocket your site to the top of the major search engines in as little as 30 days, and expose your Online Business to millions of potential customers.

The PROOF is the more than 3,000 website owners -- both e-business newbie’s and experienced Internet marketers -- have already used a secret SEO formula to propel their websites to the tops of the search engines...And I'm talking #1 and #2 rankings in Google, Yahoo, and MSN!

To find out exactly how they are driving 1,000s of targeted visitors to their sites -- for the price of a Cup of Coffee! -- click here now.

This friend will be the "Tipping Point" in your business...Discover what your competitors don't want you to know, and leave them wondering what happened to all of their website traffic!

P.S. The guy who came up with this "secret formula" attracts11,000 - 12,000 visitors a DAY to his site. Imagine what you could do with that kind of traffic!

All the best and see you at the "Coffee Shop"(:

Home Income Partners

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Search Engine Optimization

Home income Partners

Navigating “The learning Curve”

Website optimization is the first step in promoting your website. Those with foresight and deeper pockets will have a SEO-savvy webmaster build the website that is optimized from the start.
Otherwise, a website may need a SEO-facelift later to help it be digestible to the search engines - and to make it obvious to the search engines that the keywords you are trying to be found under are truly relevant to your website.
Like any specialty, performing website optimization involves skills, special tools, and a willingness to keep up with current changes in the market.

The terms used in SEO can be overwhelming at times, especially for the “Newbie” internet marketer but; don’t let it be like “Little Miss Muffet” who the “Internet Spiders” frightened away. (:

So just what is search engine optimization and do you have to use it? The answer to why you have to use it is an easy one. You need search engine optimization to be number one, or maybe at least make your site income generating.

Website optimization is simply the art and science of building web pages that provide the most relevant answers to the various queries that people make when they use a search engine such as Google ,Yahoo and MSN.
For more details on Search Engine Optimization go HERE now.

The combination of advertising, promotion and proper use of the various tools are the elements that will determine your website a success or failure.

Here are brief descriptions of just a few of the terms that you will come across in your daily searches on how “To get traffic to your Website”

  • Niche Markets One of the best ways to increase sales is by targeting specific audiences that are interested in the products you have to offer. This form of marketing is called Niche Marketing. In order to target specific groups, you will need to evaluate the types of people who will most likely buy from your site, where to find these groups, and how to market to them.

  • Meta tags are lines of code and are located in the “head” section of your web page. These lines of code, even though they are not displayed by your browser, are very useful when providing additional descriptive information about your web page.

  • HTML is the abbreviation for Hypertext Markup Language. It is a special code used for the creation of websites, and most Web designers know it, or they know a program that creates HTML for them. HTML can be a little frustrating and difficult to actually understand.

  • CSS is a new option for website designers that have been using HTML and tables for most of their web designing careers. Of course, it is a huge change and requires learning a new language and skill, however most people are saying CSS is worth it and it will give you more control, options, and is easier to edit.

  • PPC advertising, also known as (pay-per-click) allows website owners to get laser-targeted visitor traffic to their websites without having to stretch their budgets too far. It is one of the most popular ways to get additional traffic to your website that are used today. PPC advertising works on the following premise: that you only pay when the advertising has done its job. Essentially, you bid on certain strategic keywords or key phrases with search engines such as Google, Yahoo or MSN. If you win the bid for that term your website ad will come up high on the list of advertisers when those keywords are looked for in any online search.

  • Google AdSense has been revolutionary in terms of providing a way for webmasters to earn revenue from their web sites, particularly for smaller businesses.

  • Keywords help you form your business. If you really want to reach your niche, you need to know what keywords will work for them. You have to be able to determine in advance which keywords your target niche is using, and how frequently they use certain word combinations.

Remember your main focus is getting yourself in the first page and better yet in the top half of the page will ensure that your site will generate public awareness of your site’s existence and subsequently generate more traffic, traffic that could lead to potential income and business.

For more detailed information visit HERE

Home Income partners

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Making the right choice

Home Income Partners

Your Business Partners for Life

To start a successful online business can be tough at best and it's even tougher if you're going it alone. Many online entrepreneurs solve this problem by teaming up with a partner, who's done it before and is willing to advise you and lend their experience.

The name "Business Partner" may sound to some like the need for an investment, but rather the contrary. The more prominent and successful Online Businesses requires very little or No investment at start up.

I sometimes meet new Internet marketers on various forums, and they want to earn a decent living online, however, most of them have only the slightest ideas on where to start, and most are not willing or able to invest much money in an online business.

If you want to make money online, than you will first have to defeat that negative voice in the back of your head that says it isn't really possible. I can tell you firsthand it is possible and I am living proof that anyone with a little persistence and effort can make money online.

Here are our Top Five Internet Business Partners that I have personally made money with; screened them with the BBB online (Better Business Bureau) and have found them to be in good standing.

1. Online Data Entry Jobs offered by Laura Kauth. This is one of the best data entry packages available on the Internet today.

This is a wonderful opportunity. All of the programs are laid out step by step and are very easy to do. All the tools you could need to work these programs are included as well. Online Data Entry Jobs provides everything you need and has an outstanding support team that will help you in any way they can. They also offer some great bonuses, typing training, and information on managing your home based business. You can work the programs from almost anywhere in the world. A list of countries is provided on the website FAQ page.

You can order today and get to work right away creating a nice income from home. This is not just a program teaching you how to use Google Adwords. That is included, but there is so much more to this incredible opportunity.I do not see how you could not make money with the Online Data Entry Jobs package. As long as you follow the directions and apply yourself, you should earn a great income. $49.95 for an opportunity that will provide you multiple steams of income? Sounds like a great deal to me. You can visit the Online Data Entry Jobs website.

2. Derek Gehl is's "E-Business" columnist and the CEO of the Internet Marketing Center, an Internet marketing firm that has helped thousands of people learn to start and run their own online businesses.IMC hosts a new Search Marketing Lab Forum, where members have their strategy questions answered by search marketing specialists.

I'm really impressed by the combination of basic AND advanced website profit strategies Derek has poured into "The Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business on The Internet -- Version 2007" system.

So if you're a total Internet newbie, you'll learn how to transform your hobbies and passions into a lucrative online business you can grow from scratch!

And if you already have an Internet business, the advanced sections of this system will show you how you can send your online profits through the ceiling!After testing out a handful of the strategies myself, I was left speechless by how effective and profitable each one was.

I give Insider Secrets VERSION 2007 a perfect 10 out of 10 without hesitation.
And the cool part is that you can take this step-by-step blueprint to online profits out for a test drive RISK FREE!
To find out how, click here now...

3. The Drop Ship Source Directory from Worldwide Brands is one of the best-known drop shipping guides on the Internet.

If you’ve spent any time in Internet forums that deal with eBay and online selling, you’ve probably seen lots of questions and comments about drop shipping. Drop shipping is often made out to be the “secret” to making tons of money on eBay without having to do any real work.

Not only does Worldwide Brands have a solid reputation but it also has the largest selection of suppliers and products, their product directory is well-known in the Internet community as the leading provider of legitimate wholesale supplier information. And it's been singled out by eBay as an eBay Certified Solution Provider in the area of product sourcing.

Worldwide Brands connects you directly to the suppliers; they don't take a middleman charge, and that keeps your costs down and your profits up. They also have a ton of free eBooks and guides to help you learn. If you don't know anything about drop shipping, Worldwide Brands will help you to learn quickly.

Chris Malta, Worldwide Brands CEO, has spent years helping people to easily understand the process of starting and running a Home-based Internet Business. In plain, language he explains the process, busts the myths, and leaves you with a much better understanding of how Home-based EBiz really works.

For more info and free ebook...

4. Mike Filsaime is a New York Native who managed several of the largest car dealerships in the U.S.A. He worked in the automotive industry for more than 14 years, until his online ventures took off.

His turning point was in 2004. He had become a millionaire within 3 years. He credited much of his success to his sales experience working in the automotive industry.

Mike Filsaime is an extremely talented Internet marketer who you can learn quite a lot from. Whether you are a newbie or advanced Internet entrepreneur, Carbon-Copy-Marketing can give you the blueprint to succeed.

This course will teach you how to get started on the road. The techniques used in Carbon-Copy-Marking helped Mike Filsaime to make over $5,000.00 per month online. From that point he was able leverage his Opt- In list to launch popular membership sites. He hopes you can do the same once you learn the secrets that started him to a sky rocketing success online.

For more information on Carbon Copy Marketing go HERE

5. Start Your Own Home-Based Affiliate Marketing Business with Super Affiliate Handbook by Rosalind Gardner, with her Expert Guidance! Topics Include Blogging, Market Research, Affiliate Programs, Web Design, Problem Avoidance And So Much More!

This is the amazing true story of how one woman, with no previous business experience, earns $500,000+ per year ... selling other people's stuff online!

So, what is Affiliate Marketing?

In a nutshell, affiliate marketing is an arrangement between an online merchant and affiliate (you), in which the affiliate earns a commission for generating sales, leads and/or clicks for the merchant's web site.

For example, many credit card companies will pay you between $5 and $20 in commission for each visitor that you send to their site who completes a credit card application, and up to $55 for those whose applications are approved.
That's a great commission, and although many companies pay less, there are also many companies that pay much MORE!

To get access to all this 'insider' information and the benefit of years of research and experience which would normally cost thousands of dollars... go HERE now!!

One of the fastest ways to grow any business is to make connections with other people. Be sure to share your passion and enthusiasm with others at every opportunity. Let people know who you are and what you're offering. Remember, people can't buy if they don't know what you're selling.

Marketing, Marketing and more Marketing.

If you don’t have a card, create a business card for your Internet home business. This is a great way to network and get the word out about your business. Leave a few at the local coffee shop or the hairdresser.

Utilize your card as free advertising, and understand that only twenty percent of the people who get your card will go to your website. This means that self-advertising with a business card is a numbers game. Want a lot of hits on your site? Distribute a lot of cards. Give cards to friends and business associates to pass on to their clients.

Network, Network!! Get to know other people running home businesses and utilize them for support and pointers. The more experience a person has, the more likely they are to relate to your particular situation. This advice can be invaluable. Chat rooms, websites, and local meetings can provide a wealth of information and motivation.

Using these tips and suggestions to build your home business, you should soon begin to reap the benefits of a profitable home business.


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Today’s hottest Internet businesses are all about the power of social networks. Companies like MySpace, Facebook, and YouTube have become worth billions because businesses have realized that these social networks are generating huge advertising and marketing opportunities.

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Becoming a member of AGLOCO is as simple as completing a brief sign-up page (name, age, location and email address.). Once you’re a Member, you will be asked to then download the Viewbar™ software.

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As a special Bonus I will be giving away Seven different eBooks and softwares FREE... when you subscribe to Home Income Partners valued at over $300.00. These have help me over the last 10 months to achieve, not only a wealth of information but financial independence as well.

Subscribe to Home Income Partners to receive your FREE!! bonus valued at over $300.00...

I guarantee your email address will never be given out to anyone or used other than to send your Free bonus packages and inform you of future updates.

Thanks for taking the time and allowing me to share my experiences and suggestions with you.

Home Income Partners